
























"How to make a warm summer cool house in winter vol.1"

It is getting colder and fatter. Today is December, because winter is cold, it is natural to be cold, but this year it is warmer than the usual year.

So, I do not need to use much heating equipment yet, I do not think that I do not want to leave the bed because it is cold when I wake up in the morning, in Tokyo.

I appreciate it every year, but I do not understand the climate at all, I can not control the outside temperature.

However, since the temperature in the room can be controlled, it is possible to spend without thinking that it is cold and not wanting to leave the bed when getting up in the morning without much use of heating equipment as in this year even in the very cold winter years It will be like.

In the bedroom when you wake up in the morning, if you do not use heating equipment, how many degrees the room temperature is, is not it hard to get out of bed?
How many degrees of room temperature do I have to spend without using heating equipment in daytime living room?
In the middle of the night, the room temperature in the corridor when going to the toilet from the bedroom, the room temperature of the bathroom clothing room?

To prevent heat shock, the room temperature connecting the main living space such as a corridor and a dressing room is important, and it is necessary to warm the temperature difference from the main living space to be warm.

There are windows in the main living space, and in some cases you can make it warm by using heating equipment, but there are times when the place called the corridor and the dressing room does not do so either.

It is only necessary to heat the entire house 24 hours a day to keep it warm anywhere, but it costs initial cost and running cost, it uses the primary energy considerably and increases the environmental load, which is not good for the global environment .

First of all, we decide the target room temperature to determine the number of times of room temperature in each room in the winter when not using the heating equipment. This leads to lower utility costs as it does not use heating equipment.

If the target room temperature is not decided, the heat insulation performance of the house will not be decided.

Since insulation is done to stay comfortably in the house, there is only room temperature to objectively express its comfort in numerical values.

If the target room temperature is decided, the necessary heat insulation performance of the housing to achieve it will be decided.

Once the necessary heat insulation performance of the house is decided, the specifications such as the type and thickness of the insulation, the total area of ​​the window of the entire house, the heat insulation performance of the window, the size of the window on the south are decided.

Although it may be good simply to use thick insulation material with good heat insulation performance, it costs much, corresponding to the window as well. Besides, I do not know whether it will be a really comfortable room temperature.

Also, the glass used for windows has significantly poorer insulation performance than the outer wall, so there are many windows and it is not good if the window is large, it will also lower the room temperature, so from the necessary thermal insulation performance We will strictly determine the total area of ​​the window of the entire house by numerical value.

We decide the required insulation performance from the target room temperature and decide the specification of the insulation to achieve its insulation performance, but by doing so we can not achieve the target room temperature. I could have a container that will not cool, but if there is no fire in there, the container will not warm.

It is the window on the south side of the day during sunny days to become an ignition. The southern window at that time has the same amount of solar energy as the one stove. It is the same as wearing a stove all day long.

Therefore, it is important to set how many windows in what size on the south side, and it is also determined from the adiabatic performance decided from the target room temperature and it is strictly determined by numerical value.

To put it all in brief, it means that the warm sun energy acquired from the window during the day should not be reduced as much as possible, and the target room temperature will be maintained until the next morning.

So, I would like to store the energy of the warm sun that I acquired, if possible, I want to store the heat. Doing so will release heat stored during the day at night, making room temperature less likely to fall.

In order to store heat, the position and size of the south side window are important, and furthermore, where to place the heat storage, this is also decided by the insulation performance decided from the target room temperature. Furthermore, the material and finish of the place where the heat is stored become important.

All standards are the target room temperature. If we do not decide the room temperature, the specification of the insulation is not decided and I do not know whether I can really live comfortably.

It was unusually hot this summer. Of course it is important that it is important to decide the room temperature, what to do in order to live comfortably in the summer without an air conditioner, but of course there are other important things too, so it got longer, so next time .











"Self-made performances"

The other day, "Nakamura's place has 3D printers, VR equipment and dream equipment, so it's fun like an honor" and more people said they wanted to go to the office. I usually do not stay in the office, so I will stay in the office accordingly, I will not refuse to come, welcome, I will talk.

As I said, 'Where are you heading?' Although it is not surprising, I was embarrassed and sprang one moment and in a low voice I said without thinking "self-made performance".

Both VR, BIM and 3D printers are tools to support self-made performances. Beginning with VR, at first it is just how VR's architecture looks awesome, I just wanted to use it for design, from there I got interested in BIM, changed from CAD used for nearly 25 years to Revit, from Revit's As the model has extensibility, I recommend CG software from people, start making realistic perspectives and animations, outputting models with a 3D printer I wanted from before to make models and members, I noticed And, not only the design, but also the environment where we can stepping in to the field of construction and making self-made performances has been set up.

Apart from these tools I can do my own self-performance but without consciousness, since I started this I can also do this, I can not do this because there is this, I've been interested in this for some time I listened to someone that he could do it, but when I realized I could create whatever I could with my own hands without much effort by my own hands. Basically, tools are important, because they think that there are lots of things to change depending on the tool, but it may be that what you really wanted is that you did not realize it without being conscious.

Self-made performances are self-made performances rather than doing something more fun than doing anything they like by doing self-evaluation on themselves without asking anyone to evaluate themselves, being able to complete with their own thoughts alone I am cherished. Even if you like or have fun, if you can not decide just by your own judgment, you will be somewhere to meet up and it is not good for mental health. If you have a place to do your own self-made work while doing architectural design as a work, you can check your ability, train and enhance, if there is a synergistic effect, it may be only your own self-made performance.

Thanks to the rebuilding of the design environment like this, I can design anywhere, I can finish it by one person, so I can deepen my thought on one more thing, It leads to enhancing my skills at home for self-made performances.

For example, making a free cup of Wajima coat. This is completely self-made, but I am developing into a design that I can not believe that I came out of myself, I think that I have been able to confirm my skills, train and enhance.

I will be doing more self-made performances from now. The environment where we continue to do it all the time is coming.



それでも新しいMacBook Proを導入してまだ半年だったので、Boot CampでWindowsを動かし、Autodesk社のRevit(レビット)をインストールして、ゲーミングPCとMacの2台体制でBIMをはじめることにはした。








"I introduced a gaming PC"

Introducing gaming PC and starting VR. In order to start BIM, PC with the same performance is necessary, what is different is graphic performance. On Mac, the graphic performance did not catch up, and VR and BIM required PC for that much graphic performance.

Still it was half a year since I introduced the new MacBook Pro, so I decided to start Windows with Boot Camp, install Autodesk's Revit and start a BIM with two gaming PCs and Macs.

When creating a simple model, Mac is enough, because it is light, I carry around, carrying out detailed models, presentation materials, CG, VR data when using gaming PC differently.

Operation of VR is not a difficult thing, so we can do it smoothly, Revit learned basic things through a commercially available textbook, and he asked people whenever I do not understand it.

If you've used CAD, there are certain peculiarities of Revit, but you can do it without problems. Since there is no concept of a layer, there is no layer etc. in the actual construction in the first place, so do not use layers when you try to create a model that corresponds to an actual building in Revit.

To create the actual building, the floor is a floor, the wall is a wall, the ceiling is a ceiling, and the base is a base as a base. Similarly, CAD called Vectorworks (VectorWorks) which I used before was able to make the floor as the floor and the wall as the wall, but there is a layer, it has more general versatility, a square floor could be made as an object, but in Revit a construction Although it is possible to do so, its versatility is not high so far, it seems that it is because it can not be used unless the information is properly sorted by floor and so on with BIM, but it can also be shaped freely according to the operation It was.

I made the gaming PC a notebook. Since I was able to carry a complete set of VR equipments, I could carry a gaming PC as a notebook, and I could do VR anywhere. This was brought to the owner's house and was supposed to have a meeting to have the VR plan to build a house to be built ahead of the other, but I plans to make a meeting and places it in the place I am designing Because I wanted to set up by my side and want to consider architectures under design at any time by VR.

After that, thanks to the introduction of the gaming PC in the early stages, what was not imagined at this time could be expanded, which also resulted in new opportunities.













"Bim's silence"

If you would like to use VR as a tool for examination in the middle of building design, you can only introduce Revit (Revit) from Autndesk, regardless of BIM (Bim). Let's be more interested in BIM, but it was a challenge to start BIM.

At the briefing session of VR, we entered from the story of BIM for the first time. Starting with the basic concept of BIM, BIM will be mainstream in the future, especially already installed and functioning at the construction site. Among them, the story that was particularly interesting was the extensibility when I introduced Revit and started BIM.

In the case of architectural design, until now, we have created a two-dimensional drawing, and based on that we created a three-dimensional perspective or a model, but if we introduce Revit and start BIM, we will call it a three-dimensional model from the beginning We will build the actual building in software and retrieve the necessary information, such as drawings etc later from the model.

This Revit's model is extensible, and VR converts its model data and uses it, but if you pass this model to the Structural Design Office, you will enter and return the framework of the building to the model , You can see the consistency of design design and structural design on Revit and you can receive the examination of confirmation application paperless if you submit Revit's model as it is to the confirmation application agency and keep this model data as it is Since it can also be loaded into other CG software, more realistic perspective images and moving images can be easily created, and if this model data is converted and used, it can be outputted with a 3D printer, and it is white with a styrene board There is no need to make a model.

Since I do it from design to construction control, creating revit model data at design time can greatly reduce labor and time due to my actual movement, not only to greatly support the design Since I was one, I began to think that I could collaborate these things extended from the model of Revit well and proceed with a good response, so that the quality of design can be improved directly.

Also, thanks to this extensibility, designing will be possible if there are laptop and net environments, without moving anywhere, without moving anywhere. You can also carry a complete set of VR equipment, as long as there is a place at least 2 m square. Although only the place to place the 3D printer is limited, once you print out, you do not have to stay there for a long time, you can send only the model data and ask someone to do just that work. Then you will not need an office.

Will not it be possible to have BIM for the first time with scalability so far?

If you think so, changing the main OS from Mac to Windows will also increase the possibilities of increasing scalability and creating more creative architecture. Also, Autodesk's Revit will be used mainly as a BIM software all over the world, so if you create a model, it will become a common language and you can also possibly be able to do from presentation to construction simply by passing a model It was.

After considering it so far, I decided to throw away the CAD software that I've been using and using for nearly 25 years, changed the OS with attachment, introduce Revit and start BIM.

This is because I was thinking that I wanted to design more than 15 years and to produce better buildings, so for that I think that it is now necessary to reconstruct the design environment somewhere It may have been decided because it was in.






VRデータを作成するソフトとして勧められたのがAutodesk Revit(レビット)というBIM(ビム)のソフト。

BIMとは、Building Information Modeling(ビルディング インフォメーション モデリング)の略称で、建築設計する時に、今までは2次元の図面をつくり、それを元に3次元のパースや模型を制作していたのを、最初から3次元のモデルと称する実際の建物をソフト内で構築し、必要な情報、例えば、図面などを後でモデルから取り出すことを総称してBIMという。




ここは即断できず躊躇した。なぜかというと、Revitを導入することはVectorworksから乗り換えるということで、25年近く使って習熟しているCADソフトを捨てて、全く新しいソフトを1から覚えなくてはいけないのと、Vectorworksの前身のMini CAD(ミニキャド)から使っていたが、その当時はMac版しかなく、そのためずっとメインのOSはMacだったが、RevitはWindowsでしか動かないので、Revitに変えたらメインのOSも変更しなくてはならないし、また半年前に新しいMacBook Proを導入したばかりだった。



"Barriers to VR"

I decided to introduce VR, but the problem is how to create VR data, outsource or self?

Since it costs expenses every time data is created, it can not be changed by yourself, so even if you make a slight change, you have to submit it to outsourcing, which will add extra cost and time, but create VR data In order to do something, I do not need to memorize something specially, there is no capital investment and it is good to throw it to outsource even if I am busy.

If you try to create VR data yourself, you will have to introduce new software, you will need time and effort to learn the software, as well as the cost of introducing new software. However, if you can create VR data freely on your own, you can review it immediately with VR, and immediately check it with VR.

Considering that VR is not only used as an explanatory tool for the owner but also as a tool for consideration in the middle of architectural design, if the creation of VR data is outsourced every time, the cost and time, and the responses after consideration It is not realistic because it gets worse. It is inevitable to introduce new software and create VR data on its own by considering it as a tool for consideration in the middle of building design.

Authorized as software to create VR data, Autodesk Revit (Bit) software called Bim (Levit).

BIM is an abbreviation of Building Information Modeling. When designing a building, until now, it has created a two-dimensional drawing, and based on that it was producing a three-dimensional parse and a model, at first From the viewpoint of constructing an actual building called a three-dimensional model in software and extracting necessary information, such as drawings from the model later, is collectively called BIM.

From now on, it is said that BIM will come to be taken as a matter of course in the current situation, Revit seems to have spread all the way to major general contractors, and it is said that BIM is generally beginning to be done from the construction site first.

The VR data is created by converting the data of the three-dimensional model created by the Revit. Although it was anticipated that BIM would be commonly done in residential design, as I was not thinking of doing BIM at that time, at that time we had CAD software drawing Vectorworks (VectorWorks) drawing I was using it, I was able to seamlessly go back and forth between two dimensions and three dimensions on software and I thought that it was enough that BIM could be easily done with that software if necessary.

However, if you want to use VR as a tool for consideration in the middle of building design, you can only introduce Revit as it is without relation to BIM.

I hesitated because I could not make it immediately. For the reason, introducing Revit means switching from Vectorworks, so I have to abandon CAD software that I have been using for nearly 25 years and I have to remember completely new software from 1, and the predecessor of Vectorworks Although I was using it from Mini CAD (mini-caddy) of that time, at that time there was only Mac version, so the main OS was Mac all the time, but Revit only works on Windows, so change to the main OS if I change to Revit I had to get it and I just introduced a new MacBook Pro six months ago.

After all, there was attachment to the Mac as OS, I felt something that stimulated the creative, Windows did not have it. Moreover, although it may be prejudiced, it felt the same for Autodesk's products. So introducing Revit was equivalent to changing my existing design environment from the very bottom to completely different things for me.


















"VR introduction"

Although I did not particularly speculate that something will change because I used VR, I thought it might be useful when explaining the design content to the owner, listening to the story at the VR briefing session.

Until then, the building owner explained the design contents with a drawing such as a plan view, an elevation view, a sectional view and the like, a perspective such as appearance and internal view, a white model made of a styrene board, but as I felt , Perth understands most when the time explains in Perth.

Understanding the overall image of the building and the state of the room from the two-dimensional drawing seems to require familiarity, and there are times when the details and scale feeling etc. are not transmitted easily. As the white model is 3 dimensional, it seems easy to understand the plan of appearance shape and partitions etc. as soon as you see it, but in order to image the actual building from the white model, it seems that training is still necessary, we are white I can imagine a model with a finished material or color, but it seems difficult to do, and there are times when it is hard to convey.

So, when it comes to the final stage of the design meeting, it will start to use a lot of Perth. Since games and portable contents view 3-dimensional objects on 2-dimensional screens, since the same is true for Perth, it is like being training to understand three-dimensional things to 2 dimensions on a daily basis, So I think Perth is easiest to understand.

VR is virtual, but immerses in 3-dimensional space, it should be easy to understand because it is not necessary to convert it into 2 dimensions in the head, which is of course the same as experiencing the actual building So, so I thought that it would be useful when explaining the design content to the owner.

In the VR experience of the briefing, when VR goggles were applied, the VR space had already spread before my eyes. A control stick is floating in the VR space and grips it with the hand. The VR space set at the briefing venue is a VR space that can move by actually walking and walking with VR goggles in a space of about 3.5 m in which the position sensor is placed diagonally. Another means of movement is to use the control stick and press the button to irradiate the beam to the place where you want to go, you can instantly move to that place.

Houses are built in the VR space beforehand, you can see the overhead from the sky, you can see it as you approach, you can even walk around and enter the room. Since mesh-like walls appear when going out of a 3.5 m square VR space, there is no danger of hitting a wall or the like even if walking around without wearing goggles without knowing the state of the room and it is safe.

At the briefing session, I went to the kitchen, I realized the height of the top board of the system kitchen, the positional relationship and ease of use with the cupboard on the back, how the inside of the room can be seen when standing in the kitchen, the distance to the dining table It was. Perhaps because of the purpose of the briefing session, the organizer would have liked to think that "it looks like a model house," as the organizer has experienced this.

It was when I got into the garden, I turned around and was surprised to look up at the building.

You can look at the building from the sky in an overhead view with a model. If you turn around the model, you can see the building's appearance from various angles. If the model separates for each floor also in the room, you can see it from the top down. If you insert a compact camera such as a CCD camera in the interior as a model, you can grasp it through the screen. However, these are all giant's point of view, not a life-sized human being's point of view. However, it is easy to make mistakes when grasping the sense of scale.

When I looked up at the building from the garden, I was surprised to see that this is how it looks, this is how it looks like it can only be felt only when the building is up and finished. Even when I go to the kitchen, of course, I do not know exactly that the building is not completed, but to a certain extent you can do a simulated experience if going to a kitchen showroom etc. However, looking up from this garden will not be able to simulate anything other than VR.

I decided to introduce VR at this moment. Of course, it is also a tool for explanation to the owner, but as a tool for designing it, immersing in the VR space at the stage of design consideration, and ascertaining the sense of scale and appearance, scale feeling is important in designing the building As it is one of the things, it is wonderful to be able to see it as it was when the real building stood up.

Immersed in the VR space during designing, walking around, stopping, looking up, how to connect and see the space, the size of the room and the height of the ceiling, the position and size of the opening, how to enter the light, Check out from the perspective of a life-size human being such as how to see from outside, and vice versa. Just thinking makes fun.

I told them to remove the goggle and introduce the VR to the organizer of the briefing on the spot.







BIMとは、Building Information Modeling(ビルディング インフォメーション モデリング)の略称で、建築設計する時に、今までは2次元の図面をつくり、それを元に3次元のパースや模型を制作していたのを、最初から3次元のモデルと称する実際の建物をソフト内で構築し、必要な情報、例えば、図面などを後でモデルから取り出すことを総称してBIMという。





"VR's silence"

I introduced VR a little ago a year ago. Because I saw a briefing flyer at a study group of the SE construction method.

Simply put, the SE construction method is a type of wooden hardware construction method that uses structural calculations, uses metal hardware for joints of frameworks, and ensures earthquake resistance of buildings. It is easy to create a space. By the way, since wooden two-story houses often do not perform structural calculations, it is also good to point out that the SE construction method makes it clear that the seismic resistance is numerically based on structural calculation. It is about 8 years after adopting the SE construction method, but during that time all the houses have been constructed by the SE construction method.

The flyer seemed to have thought that a set of equipment of VR was called "exhibition hall set", rather than building a model house, to have a model house experienced in VR. Certainly, considering the cost, VR can be introduced at 1/10 of the cost of building a model house, and if you replace VR data, you can experience a different model house in VR.

Although I was not interested in the model houses at all, I am interested in what it is like to experience housing with VR and I am quite new to the original, so I'd like to go out to a VR "exhibition room set" meeting to be held at a later date .

Although it should have come with dozens of companies at the study group, only two of us and another company had come to the explanatory meeting of VR. At the briefing session, we started with the story of BIM.

BIM is an abbreviation of Building Information Modeling. When designing a building, until now, it has created a two-dimensional drawing, and based on that it was producing a three-dimensional parse and a model, at first From the viewpoint of constructing an actual building called a three-dimensional model in software and extracting necessary information, such as drawings from the model later, is collectively called BIM.

The reason why this briefing began with BIM's story is that the VR data is based on the assumption that the BIM model data is converted and used. When trying to introduce a set of VR equipments called "exhibition hall set", how do you create data for VR, whether to outsource or make your own, which is the problem other than cost? When outsourcing it costs model production cost every time. If you make your own, you do not have to pay production cost, but you have to introduce software to produce BIM model.

After the BIM story at the briefing, the opportunity for VR experience visited. For me, the story of BIM was very interesting, but as the main was a VR experience here, I got ready to experience and experience the hand earlier than anyone else.

The complete set of VR equipment is goggles, control sticks, position sensors and PCs, and PCs are game PCs with excellent graphic performance. We have already set up VR at the briefing venue, wearing goggles, just holding a control stick. There is a VR goggle using the screen of the mobile phone at home, VR on the mobile screen has been experienced, but it is certainly a VR, but there was also a slightly poor part. So, there was expectation of VR, but there was also a question as to whether it could really be used at the same time, so I wanted to talk with the organizer of the briefing personally about personal impressions about experiences earlier than people and their impressions. At this time I had not thought even a minute dust to introduce VR afterwards and start doing BIM.