







"Ask a question"

I have always thought in terms of words. When thinking, the image floats in the head, it is space, it is the architecture which I have seen so far, it is the detail, it is the vessel other than the architecture, it is the cutlery, etc. Not even events, but because they are within the design, they are just what we have seen and heard, only known things, and for the time being, for the time being, the images that spread in the head and head will be discarded It seems that I think to throw it away,

First of all, when there is a package, specifically, the architecture and its parts, it is absolutely something that someone is doing somewhere, so we will not do it as it is, we will develop from there and finally think about the first image, You reach a point where there is almost no trace of

It can be done by anyone who can do it well, and it is good because it can be shown better even if it is a dexterous person at the tip of the hand, but it is not satisfactory with that, so the words precede and the image catches up with concrete things I just try to do things that I do not want.

For example, when aiming at a space or architecture that can only be created by gathering and living, one question is that if the architecture looks different depending on the number of residents, various complex architecture can be realized only by gathering and living Because you can, you can do what to do for that.

If you can immediately ask questions that do not come up with an image or concrete thing, you can do it because all you have to do is solve it.

I think the key is whether you can immediately ask questions that you do not think of an image or concrete thing.