


ほぼすでに手書きは無いのだが、スケッチだけは手で紙に描かないと、と思っていたが、それもデジタル化し、ノートを持たず、iPhoneやiPad などのデバイスで記録は残るが、実体が無い状態にし、そもそもはじめから過程が有るのか無いのかわからないようにしておけば、建築は実体だから、より実体として残すものが明確になるような気がして、ただ、その建築もいつかは無くなる。





"Digitization is natural"

Everything is gone.

People die in one day and no one is eternal in the world, but people try to leave their own footprints. Because it is impossible in the first place, it causes unreasonableness.

I almost thought that I would not write handwriting, but I thought that I would only draw sketches on paper by hand, but it was also digitized, had no notes, and records were kept on devices such as the iPhone and iPad, but there was no substance If you leave it in the state and don't know if there is any process from the beginning, because architecture is a real entity, it feels like it becomes clear what you will leave as a real entity, but that architecture will also disappear someday.

The reality I'm seeing now is actually a dream, and it may only be that morning hasn't come, because it won't cling to reality, so I think it's okay if there's no notebook, and it's a nature if it's a dream It is an act, so if it is a dream, digitization will happen naturally.

The virtual world invented by humans is a dream world, and we do not know whether it is a dream or a reality. It's interesting that the world the human came to actually is closest to the dream you see every day, and it's funny for a week and a half that you finally don't think of the point of the human back.

If the boundary between reality and dream is obscured, it is natural that digitization will occur, so it may be right in the dream now, it is still morning.