




"If you change the space"

What I'm interested in recently is that the architectural theory, which has become a key to creation, automatically sublimes life and the activities of life there, and make it into an excellent life on its own.

There may be misunderstandings, but everyday life can not be changed that way, and people can not change so easily, but if one changes among human, time, and space between three, what if Although it may change, the most easy to change is space, in other words, in the environment, it is possible to change the place where you live, to change the room, to change the place of work, etc. Because it makes living space completely new, too, because it is directly connected to everyday life.

Because it is possible to pick up things that change is left unnoticipated by people, so I tried to use it in a sense that even if the people themselves did not change, they would look better than the current life when viewed from people. I think it is interesting to think from the architectural theory to realize it.