





"Veil of sensitivity"

I am interested in how the recipient feels when considering the architecture on the delivery side and the receiving side separately. The recipient unknowingly deals with what he feels as a phenomenon of architecture, which is called sensibility.

Just as there is a word that the sensibility is rich, it is good to receive the feeling finely, but if it goes too far, the sensibility becomes dull and the state of insensitivity becomes idle.

The state of insensitivity can often be in the world of advertising, and the radicality of advertising can be a problem, but from a different point of view, the state of architecture that is dull and idle like the radicalness of advertising. I thought that if there is a power to stimulate human sensibilities to the state of insensitivity, the sensibility veil can be seen through in architecture, and the spatiality, materiality, and temporality that architecture originally has will appear.

Architecture is usually wrapped in a veil of human sensibility, which, for better or for worse, must not seem to distort the appearance of architecture.
