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Indeed, mixed cities and chaos are crowded, not only because there are so many activities but also because of the ability to form an open personal space.

Then, if problems such as security, garbage and infrastructure can be solved, the city in chaotic state will be more fun with various activities.

However, since such cities will be opposite to nature, no matter how much they make parks and bring in nature, it is the natural nature created, so it is not much different from artifacts.

Such a chaotic city may be interesting, but I think that I will settle down rather than being in nature, but again, some people would like to go in the midst of nature.

If the city concentrates and becomes chaotic, of course it will be a reaction and it makes me want to go to nature. At that time, you can use the depopulated area well.

I think that the depopulated area, that is, that there is no person, the place where I want to get out of the city is such a place where there are no such people, so to such a place, for example only on the weekend, if the work allows weekly I hope to go.

It would be nice if we could secure transportation means and communication infrastructure and even a place where we could stay, so it seems to be a solution in terms of cost, considering the centralization of urban areas and depopulation of rural areas.

In short, it is only necessary to complement a place that is not in a centralized city and a missing one in a depopulated area. It will be pleased if the means of transportation also increases in depopulated areas.

If so, city centralization and local depopulation is not a bad thing, rather it will be more convenient for you.

As the longevity of a century celebrates the era of energetic and lively mature age, even if I am also so, if I can easily satisfy those behaviors of those people, even if the birthrate declines and the market itself shrinks, Then, I also drop money here and there.

Multiple area moving residence.

In that case, it seems fun to live itself, family, or alone. After all, a lot of activities are prepared, it is good to select it easily, it is good for mental hygiene.

There seems to be a lot of people thinking about this, but I think that it would be easy to solve it if you put in taxes there, but I think that everyone seems to be able to live happily, but what is it like .