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In the first place incompleteness generates activities, so if you insert different applications, different activities without contacts will occur, an open personal space will be created, its openness will be tolerant and gentle, the surroundings The purpose is to give a good atmosphere, its good atmosphere can not be tasted in nature, it can be tasted because it is in the city.

Just opening it will not be a personal space, it will be like a cold space with no people, a bench without anyone sitting at the feet of the building. Only when different activities without contacts occur, it is established as an open personal space.

And it will not be possible as it gathers and lives.

In complete, complete form, in other words, in an orderly state, treating and changing that order, and becoming in a condition where the order is broken, we can acquire imperfections.

For example, symmetrical shapes are well-ordered, but asymmetric shapes are said to be disordered. The shape of symmetry is complete, but the shape of asymmetry is incomplete.

For example, in a multi-family housing, the height of the window is different, the height of the dwelling unit is misaligned, the balcony is not continuous, and so on.

However, this is an imperfection as an entity, and this alone is simply such a design, it is such an ornament, it will end with an activity, and no activity will occur.

If the order is not related to the order around the site, this should be said as a conceptual order, or the order around the site is bad, but it would be perfect there. That order may be tacit knowledge formed unknowingly, but rather it comes closer with strength.

Downtown of Shinjuku, suburban selling place.

It is imperfect as a concept, whether it can acquire incompleteness when it is displaced relative to its complete order, when it collapses.

As an entity, it is not until the concept of both imperfections is acquired that activities due to incompleteness may occur.

The imperfection as substance is easy to understand.

Then, what is the order around the site in the first place that becomes the source of incompleteness as a concept? Of course, it is a context / context, but do you extract where you think, what, how and how to treat it as order?