















"How to make a warm summer cool house in winter vol.2"

I do not dislike the heat of summer, I am sweating, but I will walk for a while on purpose on purpose. I like something like the seasonal smell, especially whether it becomes sensitive to the change of the season, now it is a smell of winter, it is difficult to explain what kind of smell it is, but like a dead grass, at night I can not explain it sensibly well that it is a dry smell of cold air, but in the summer I will go out to sniff the season's smell.

However, unlike the summer of this year, I felt the danger of getting outside. Let's stop going out because it was too hot, I thought for the first time to go out after the sun went down. It seems to become a heat stroke just by going out for a moment, feeling that the body gets hotter and steams more quickly, taking that moisture, it seems that the condition is the most dangerous.

So, this summer I often stay indoors, in the room where air conditioning always took place. Electricity bills took quite a while. However, there is no choice because it will be a heat stroke even if you are indoors in the room, but you do not like the air conditioner's wind so much, so it was a hard time to sleep.

In the first place, even if the outside temperature is high, you do not have to turn on the air conditioner unless the room temperature rises. If you do not apply air-conditioner it will cost less electricity, but not having to wear air-conditioner means that the interior is comfortable as much. It is comfortable to spend the mid-season of spring and autumn without putting on air-conditioning and heating, even if you can not get the comfort that much in summer, if you can spend without air conditioning, you will be comfortable with that comfort.

The insulation performance of the house is decided on the basis of winter. Winter goal The adiabatic performance necessary to achieve room temperature is strictly determined by numerical value. However, the problem here is that if the insulation performance decided on the basis of winter, the summer will get hotter.

In winter, high insulation performance is required so that outside coldness will not be transmitted indoors. It is so-called high insulation. A high level of airtightness is also required so that there will be no draft winds entering there and getting cold. High airtight high insulation, it is not difficult to do.

Please think of a thermos bottle. That is exactly a high airtight, highly insulated house. If you put hot beverages inside, it will be hot, not cool all day. Once it warms up in winter, its warmth continues, it is warm all day, so you do not need to keep the heating equipment all the time, so the utility costs are cheap.

Even if you put a cold drink in it is cold all day, ice will not melt. So, if you cool the interior with an air conditioner in the summer, it is cold all day, so I think that a high airtight high insulation is good, but it is, the thermos bottle and the actual house are different.

Actually, the outside still enters the room, the outside sunlight from the window. Another thing is life heat, kitchen stoves and so on. People also have a fever. Even if you do not need heating or cooling without winter or summer relationship, even if it is highly airtight and highly insulated, room temperature will rise even during the day.

Still winter is nice, it will be warm. The problem is summer. If you do not do anything, the room temperature rises steadily during the day. It gets higher than the outside temperature in the afternoon. And since that heat does not escape outside if it is a high airtight, highly insulated house, the room temperature rises more and more. As I mentioned earlier, we call it "Thermos bottle effect".

Continue to cool down the room temperature rises in the air conditioning. If it becomes a high airtight and highly insulated house, the cooling load of the summer becomes large, and the utility cost increases unnecessarily.

So what should I do?

It is not to be highly airtight and highly insulated. However, in winter measures are indispensable to do so. Of course, summer alone can not live comfortably alone.

In order to live comfortably in both winter and summer, we must use the power of nature. That story has been long so far, so next time.
