









"Feel of architecture vol.5"

How to deliberately create a state that is to the point of being conscious of the feeling to the touch though not touching.

Why is the moss on the open ground heading for the tea room conscious of the appearance and fluffy feeling? Why are flowers seen in the tea room conscious of the feel of petals? Both are intentionally created.

I can not make it intentionally if I do not know the mechanism, whether it is a structure that consciously feels like a feeling.

It is conscious of the feel of moss that moss is raised carefully and that moss is worthy and you should never touch it, I think that you should not step on it, so when you step on the other way As it will be soft and fluffy what will happen, I imagine that moss will not sink into the foot type.

Because I love petal and it does not touch, Also, when I am in an unusual space like a tea room, besides flowers, the things that exist there, the feeling of the place I hit the tatami, even the light that I insert is like the texture It conscious of something. Things limitedly set in the closed space will be close up in nature. It is certainly because the tea room is an empty space where Okakura Tenshin says in the "tea book" because it is for existence to set aside for a long time.

Or is it because the tea ceremony is being imprinted that the tea room is conscious of such a feeling, or because it thinks somewhere of itself somewhat like a part of Japanese aesthetic sense?

However, both moss and flowers, both of which are intentionally created by human beings, is a natural way of thinking.

If it is intentionally created a structure that is conscious of a structure that is not touched but conscious of the feeling to the touch, it is very interesting, is not it?
