













"Following architecture"

There will be something that makes architecture change the mood.

"There will be" is that when there is a subjective thinking of architecture, as both designers and architects deal with architecture as a subject, everyone involved in architecture will focus on architecture and, of course, Because it is thought that "let's do ~", because it thinks that the architecture is to make people feel better.

So, in order to change the mood, I think about the production such as changing the landscape visible while walking such as various tricks and sequences.

So, the architecture will change the mood, and will be.

It is mainly building, it is independent of the strength of the existence of the building, whether strong construction or weak architecture makes the building change its mood.

Since it is natural for everyone involved in construction to treat the building as subjective, it seems that it is good to have their own functions if it is not subjective, but it seems to be how the building of the building is established There is room for thinking still more things.

Even in the more passive state of construction, rather the building that changes depending on the mood and the mood that makes mood change the building makes the presence and social nature of the building more flexible, more people who have the architecture It will be able to demonstrate the ability to exert some influence on it.

Although Rosoko says "Passive is the best individuality", although it is passive, there is no change in the situation where building is the subject.

Passive is not deceiving personality, rather it is individuality, so it can become passive, there is personality and features, so you can be passive without being shed.

So, how does architecture respond to the mood changing, it may be the most difficult for an immovable architecture that does not move, how do you feel to change the architecture?

"Building that follows the mood" In other words, it becomes like this.

I feel the possibility in the situation of following up.