











"Order of clutter"

Is there a disorderly order? If it is dirty then I think it is in a state without order. If the state in which the order is disturbed becomes terrible, it may be clumsy, but since it remains within the category of order, is it so obscure order?

If so, it is easy to disorder the order, but since it seems that it does not make you feel dysfunctional just by being disturbed, how far will it get clogged? The barometer thinks that the obstruction and the boundary that is not so.

Are there any imperfections in a disorderly situation? The obstruction itself is perfect, feeling independent and independent of existence. Like Kowloon Castle in Hong Kong, it seems that a dirty aggregate was there from the beginning as a mass.

Previously, regarding order, there were two ways to create imperfections. One is imperfection in that it takes in the order as it is, it can handle something, and the other imposes it as a complete order, breaks it and disturbs it and creates incomplete incorporation.

Troubles seem to have these two imperfections.

Incompleteness in incorporating intact orders as it is, still being able to add hands there, and being disturbed by disordering the order, that has already acquired imperfections, that is, it is complicated = incomplete sex.

Twisted imperfections are hiding behind the scenes.

Previously, incompleteness was supposed to induce activities. Then, the complicated order generates two activities, which also produce different kinds of activities.

In addition, if there are two or more of these complicated orders, more different activities will also occur.

I decided what kind of order is to be built, but if I can create a complicated order, I feel like creating an interesting situation from the interior to the city.
