






"Image to tailor the space"

In the past, I thought about differences in architecture "to follow" in order to capture the mood in buildings, considering "looking" to incorporate the feeling into architecture. Both thought that it was a method that I could consent to incorporate into architecture, but from another angle I wanted to think about a way to incorporate feel and mood into architecture again.

The trigger is a free cup of Wajima coat under construction now. Because I thought that it might be possible in architecture as long as things themselves become intermediaries for taking in feel and mood.

The whole volume becomes the most important because it treats architecture as space, but when treating the building as a collection of details, it first starts from how the detail itself is, so reflects the feel and the mood of the person at that time I thought that it would be easy to do, with the feel and mood accompanied, the space would eventually be finished.

Starting from the periphery that is close to people, starting from the surroundings close to people, reflecting the feeling of the people from time to time, create things including details from the details, spread more and more concentrically and tailor it to the space Some image.

If you can not do an image first, you can not make actual manufacturing, not all images, but I want something like a gist of a first bargain, because it is rough and good, but it seems that it has gotten step by step I will do.