






"There is light in architecture"

Because Buddha statue and architecture are things, it is possible to project the mood of that day on the viewer side like the face of the Dainichijo statue.

I want to create a difference in consciousness between the making hand and the viewer, I can project the mood there, there is a subtle difference in the face of the Dainichi Nagai statue that the Buddha thinks and the face of the Dainichi Nagai statue that the viewer thinks, People unwittingly want to see the difference, just do not know the means to make sure, so you will see with the feeling at that time, the sensation is instantaneously dependent on the mood at that moment, if what you feel is good Even the landscape, even the garbage can be seen beautifully, and if the mood is bad, any beautiful person looks ugly, perhaps, you can see, perhaps the person depends on the mood, that is accepting on a daily basis, that is essence Misunderstanding and digging the grave, there is no reason to smile or make sorrowful the face of the Buddha statue, there is no change to change, but if you think calmly, it depends on how you looked at the face That kind of person is a nice person But no.

When seeing Buddha statues and architecture as things, it is not easy to build a relationship that allows the viewer to embrace the thought of the creator there, digging up the objects, like the face of the statue of Buddha in the architecture Although it may be difficult,

There is something that can be handled in Buddha images, architecture has light, light.

Although it may be possible to say that the Buddha statue is a solid and the architecture is symmetrical with the void, in the building space can be used the light to be inserted there, and the light changes like a spring fence I feel like I will find a difference there.
