










"The essence of manufacturing"

One of the pleasures of choosing a cup when drinking coffee every morning is one of my favorite cups.

Inshu Nakai is located in Tottori, and is a representative of folk songs, and is also making pots for the direction of the Sori Yanagi. Distinctive features are dyed, green and black, green and white dyed in half and half.

There are two cups of the same kind in my house, and recently I have always liked and used one of them, which is always the same.

The curve of the body part is different, and the difference is less than 1 mm, but the aperture is slightly different, and the thickness of the edge is also slightly different.

It is a common story about grilled dishes. Individual differences, even if the same kind of cups are made differently, the shape is slightly different, and the grilled foods shrink in the cocoon during baking, so the difference in the position in the cocoon Because the temperature is different depending on the shrinkage rate is also different.

Well, it's a subtle difference that you can see for the first time by comparing the two, but it's the same kind of cup, but always using one of them, always the same.

There is almost no difference in appearance, but I like both of them, but if you include coffee and use it, obviously one of them is better if you include the feeling of using it.

The difference in the subtle form is amplified when actually used, and it makes a big difference and appeals to the sense of the user.

Of course, whether it is good or bad is a matter of taste, so it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad, but it is interesting that the difference in subtle form is amplified when it is used, and that it is impossible to know it There was a difference in the form because it was created by hand one by one, and it was wonderful that it affects human senses, and I admired that it is the essence of making things right.