






"Interesting picture"

When I'm sleepy, my head stops working, and I'm trying to get down, there's a time when an image of something comes to my head just before I fall asleep.

It may be an extension of what you have been thinking or thinking before, and there may be no connection at all, but reality and image, it may be a dream, but it is indistinguishable, continuous There is a time when it is deployed, and it is strange, impossible, and interesting.

The boundary between the dream and the reality disappears, and the door of the border between the unconscious and the conscious mind will be open.

As the image, in a sense that orderly and orderly in a logical way, an unconscious that is disordered and messed up comes in from the door and comes to a stir, the dream that you see while sleeping is insane, this unconscious In the state where the border of the unconscious is gone, a huge amount of unconscious that is more obvious than the unconscious consciously erodes the unconscious and develops the unconscious world.

So, when I am just asleep in a state of being sleepy, sleepy, unavoidable but I can not sleep, I think that, for example, in the case of a boring lecture that I just listen, I can see many interesting images.