







I have been looking at architecture since I was a student, and while my own standards of good architecture are being made both intuitively and intuitively, different architectures are in my consciousness. However, it is not easy to judge a good architecture as it is when compared to your own standards.

I think that my interest in architecture has shifted slightly from before. There is a relationship between people and architecture first, it is very trivial, everyday, it can happen anywhere, the result of thinking first about building that relationship and developing it As a whole, construction is completed.

At first, there is no architecture, but only the relationship with people.If the thing that builds the relationship with people is something other than architecture, as a result of developing it, Beyond architecture.

The architecture we have seen so far is very strong as an architecture or as a building alone, and has the power to regulate everything that can be realized only by architecture. It was fascinating and fascinating and laid the foundation for setting your own standards.

However, in architecture, if people enter the space and activities are developed, it will become the original form as architecture, where only the relationship between people and architecture is important, As a result, the appearance of architecture as a whole is no longer the only one, and it does not have to be one. I thought it would be more interesting.