



だから、建築の中にある物、全てに興味があり、家具、食器やカトラリー 、調理道具などなど、それらも建築の範疇だと考えている。



"Various collections"

Just as the wall plays the role of a lever, the story of Haruki Murakami's "Lever" will not be left out of my mind.

I think that if the appearance changes depending on the people in the space, it will be a good thing in the relationship between people and architecture, and if that also depends on the mood of the person, if something acts and the appearance changes Good, leverage the walls, get the driving force of mood and amplify the architecture.

If you think so, the space is made up of various things, but since long ago when you started studying architecture, the space has substance, but you can not see it with your eyes, you can only feel For some reason, I thought that it was impossible, like an air, and I realized again that I was not interested in the space itself, and that I was interested in the state that various things gathered together.

Therefore, I am interested in everything in the architecture, including furniture, tableware, cutlery, cooking utensils, etc., and consider them to be in the category of architecture.

However, for example, if it is a house, there is always a feeling of how much you can be involved in the relationship that there is a resident, a designer, aside from your own residence, and you want to control everything, There was also the idea that something unexpected was boring because nothing unexpected happened, and what to do with it was one of the always central ideas in design.