





"Affordance on the Wall"

I wonder what would happen if I recognized the wall with irregularities.

When you go to a space you don't know, the first thing that gives you the direction of behavior is affordance on the wall. Affordance is simply a clue, and the wall tells you how to handle it and how to behave in that space.

For example, if you have a door on a wall, you don't know if the door will open, at least if it's a doorway to something, and if the door is in a deep recess, maybe that door I guess that may be the restroom. The door retracted into this back is affordance.

If this affordance is simplified, people's behavior will be determined by the unevenness of the wall.If the unevenness is a space design, the behavior will be determined at the same time by designing I suppose that we can create a situation in which the design is autonomous, but also autonomous in the sense that it also affects human behavior.