




"Architecture that does not depend on things"

I am thinking that a series of uncertainties will overlap and the substance will be exposed and understood.

Ambiguous and uncertainties such as moods and emotions are the criteria for choosing a location, and if the appearance of the interior space of an architecture changes depending on the location, it looks as if the body is expressed by a series of CT images. If you follow the continuation, the substance of architecture will appear.

I don't know right away, but if my mood and emotions lead to an architectural image, I can build an architecture that is not influenced by things.







"Uncertainty that creates diversity"

Bringing moods and emotions into architecture is vague and elusive, increasing uncertainty and losing certainty.

You might think that the mood and emotions themselves are ambiguous because they are invisible as an entity. However, increasing uncertainty is not a bad thing. Architecture is built within a predictable range, and it is good to control everything, proceed so that everything is as expected at the beginning, and complete and operate as expected, but there is control there. When something that cannot be done is included, diversity beyond expectations is created.

True diversity cannot be imagined at first. Diversity created from the beginning does not become diverse.






"Non-thing architecture"

There is a blind spot, the appearance differs depending on where you are, and you choose where you are depending on your mood. If the root of the formation of architecture and space is determined by the mood and emotions of people, I thought that it would be possible to think of architecture as a place out of the world of things.

Since architecture is a thing, architecture as a thing is inevitable, but when considering, thinking, and designing architecture, if it can be done away from things, another aspect of architecture as a thing, that is, things Can express architecture that is not.






"Create the necessary blind spot"

I'm thinking of creating a blind spot in an open space. I'm opening it to show everything, but I think it's more open because there are a few things that I can't see.

I thought it might be necessary to have a few blind spots because I was surrounded by piles of cardboard. When I was struggling with materials for 30 years in the office, when I looked around, it looked like a different space than usual, and although the texture of the cardboard was different, I could feel the height of the ceiling and the size of the room. ..








"Throw away, don't throw away"

It's the opposite of decluttering, and it seems that there is something wrong with the situation where you can't just store and organize things without throwing them away, but you can see what the ancestors valued.

Although it cannot be thrown away, things that are unnecessary for that person should have been thrown away, so the remaining things are biased toward that person.

A lot of old maps and old rosters were left behind. I knew that I liked maps, but I was interested in Ino Tadataka, so I feel various connections to the now useless list.

If you want to cut it off, it's all the things that are thrown away first. However, I thought that it was not a matter of choosing between a minimal life that was thrown away and thrown away, and a life that was surrounded by unbalanced and unnecessary things.









"When moving out"

Time accumulates various things. Not only the accumulation of memories as memories, but also the things themselves are accumulated without permission.

It was decided to move out of the office that had been used for 30 years. There are many traces of past work in places that are not normally visible, and no one, including myself, has organized them, so for the past few months, I have selected the traces of work for 30 years and left what to leave. I was always in the corner of my head about what to throw away.

After all, I think his past work is like an alter ego that he created, and although he is already out of his hands, he loves even one line that describes the process of creating it, and almost throws it away. I couldn't. She was prepared to accompany her for the rest of her life and packaged it.

The office, which was full of things, has been emptied. I don't have any particular feelings about the office space itself, and I'm not driven by nostalgia, but I feel that the change from an overflowing state to an empty state represents everything on my smartphone. I took a picture.

She photographed two rooms through the fittings she made to her liking. This fitting was the only one I modified in the space of this office, and I created the look I wanted to achieve with this fitting.






"Because it is narrow"

I am interested in a small space. There is also the goodness of a spacious space, and there is also the fun of being able to think of various things because it is wide, but I feel the fun of overlapping narrow spaces.

It's more interesting to feel something from the space or to cause something to happen, rather than the space that exists because nothing works, nothing happens, just because it is necessary there, and of course it is possible even in a large space. However, when thinking about it in a narrow space, there is no choice but to create a state in which there are multiple actions and triggers in the space due to the narrow space, which in turn leads to the creation of a dense space.
