



"Depending on the viewpoint"

It didn't come together very well, so I took the plunge and tried to change it from the ground up, but it was unexpectedly easy and well organized. It's hard to do if you're trapped in the customs of the past, but if you get a little vague, you'll find out what you've been trapped in.

Everything looks normal when you try to do something special. It may be special when it fits normally, but it seems easy to fit and looks normal. If you raise the resolution a little more and look at it, you may find something unusual. Depending on how you look at it, it may look special or normal.







"Roof as an icon"

I thought about how the roof would affect how it was built. When thinking about a plan, I look at it from a bird's-eye view, so I think about the roof from directly above, but in reality it doesn't look like that.

Regionality may appear in the series of roofs. For example, a gassho-style private house is unique in its appearance, but a village with many gassho-style private houses creates a unique landscape. Also, in places that used to be post towns on the old highway, they are built in close contact with each other like a Nagaya, and the low eaves and vertical lattices create a unique landscape.

In these examples, regionality appears in the way of construction, and the roof is used as an item to express that regionality. So to speak, the roof forms part of the icon






"Terrain, time and how to build"

I thought that if we added topographical elements to the way the building was built, it would be a building that could only be built on the spot. The terrain is the only unchanging element that inherits the land's unique flow of time, with most non-terrain elements disappearing over time.

Architecture also disappears over time, but if it reflects the terrain, it could become part of the flow of time. Since the Haribote architecture that does not reflect the terrain is not even a part of the landscape, we are looking for a way to build it that reflects the terrain.






"Connection by how to build"

I am thinking about how to build an architecture in order to make a connection with the neighbor. Since it is difficult to find a building that has a sufficient site area for the building area, the construction method is often affected by the site shape.

What if you can afford it? Of course, you will be aware of the orientation in consideration of the sunlight, but the orientation is useless to make a connection with the neighbor. If you can afford it, you can freely set the position and angle to some extent when you look down from above. They can have unique angles that are common to each other, and if that angle does not exist in the surrounding environment, it can be considered that there is a connection simply by aligning the angles.








"Searching for relationships"

I thought about how it would seem to be related when adjacent buildings of different building types were built at intervals.

Since there is a site boundary between buildings, it is not possible to cross the border and connect, so it may be easiest to think that it would be good if there was something in common in the design of adjacent buildings.

It's easy to understand at a glance if there are similarities in appearance features such as the finish of the outer wall and the shape and height of the roof, but that doesn't seem to be a series of common construction sales.

I'm wondering if it's possible to create a relationship based on how the architecture itself is built, rather than on the appearance.






"Boundary disappearance"

In order to arrange the buildings in separate buildings, there is a principle of one building on one site, so it is necessary to set a boundary line on the site. Boundaries are used to create a clear delimiter, and the boundaries are used to create some kind of connection with each other, which is a branch layout.

It's a borderline for cross-border purposes, so it's invisible and insubstantial, so it's like nothing. It is interesting that the action of the layout of the building, which is a branch building, erases all the characteristics as a boundary line. If the branch building is expanded and interpreted, can it be regarded as an individual building in the city? It's nice that the boundaries disappear if you want to connect with the next building.






"Impulse to connect"

We are planning to arrange buildings of different building types in parallel, but since the site boundary is set between them, it is not possible to connect across the boundary. From the beginning, I thought that it would be an interesting plan if I could connect, so I'm looking for a way to connect even if I can't cross the border, but I wondered where the urge to connect comes from.

Since the same client plans at the same time, I naturally think that I want to have something to do with it, but at the root of it, I usually have inconvenience for the existence of a boundary, which is like a barrier. This is probably because he wants to create an architecture that has a greater impact on the surrounding environment when he thinks from an urban perspective beyond a single architecture.
