





"Impression of the figure"

The memories and experiences of the past become the "earth", and what is happening in front of us now emerges as a "figure" and is recognized. In this case, both the ground and the figure will be phenomena, but in the same phenomenon, the figure does not emerge and is not recognized as a figure.

Spatial cognition is the same as this, and memory as the earth and spatial experience will affect the perception of space as a figure in front of us. Since the ground differs depending on the individual who recognizes it, the way the figure is recognized also differs depending on the individual, but since there is an area in common with other individuals even in the individual land, the space as a figure in that area does not emerge. It is not recognized as a figure and does not leave an impression.

In order to leave an impression, it is necessary to create a space as a diagram that is different from the memory and spatial experience in the common area of ​​the individual's land, and I am thinking about what to do for that.

One way is to make a difference from the ground that is in a common area that you can see visually, but it is a common way of making, and sometimes the impression of discomfort accompanies the figure, so it may not always be a good method. ..







"Can you recognize space?"

What has the greatest impact on human sensibilities, and what has the greatest impact on external sensibilities? To be honest, I think that what comes in through vision has the most impact, but is that really the case?

Speaking of architecture, the way of recognizing space will be the route that affects people's sensibilities. How does spatial cognition occur? For example, if you close your eyes and shut out the information from your eyes, can you not recognize the space? If you deprive yourself of your eyesight, you may not be able to see the details of the space, but you can get the feeling that you are in the space, and this can be called spatial recognition.

Then, let us wonder why it is possible to recognize space even without vision.





"Making process rules"

I wanted to avoid repeating the standard plan, which is not efficient at first glance, but I thought it would be possible to avoid repeating the standard plan if I could guarantee that the efficiency would be different. The standard plan is most useful for process simplification, so you can simplify the process by doing something different. For example, if you create a rule that determines the process, you can simplify the process without creating a standard plan, and there is a possibility that the process itself will be different each time. You can create an efficient one that is different from the standard plan that is decided.







"Let's be unscrupulous"

I want to produce a time when sensibility is born. I want it to be a design. In the early days when design became social, I think it was neglected because it had no sensibility. The world where design forgets to stimulate sensibilities is boring.

The reason why I design is because I want to stimulate people's sensibilities and I want to influence people.

Why do you neglect your sensibility? If the theme is design that stimulates sensibilities, there would be no more enjoyable society. Let's be a little more serious.






"What to take over"

When rebuilding, I would like to take over something next if possible. I want to leave something that is ingrained in memories and that is in my memory. What I often did was to use glass that is no longer produced in old houses, so I reused that glass and incorporated it into fittings. I think that's interesting, but I wondered if there was a more fundamental part that could be passed on from the past to the future.

I want to find something unique to the land and then take over. If the rebuilding has been done several times, or if the expansion and renovation are repeated, I wondered what would happen if I repeated the plans from time to time. The plan is unique to the land, and there will be a bias in the overlap, so if you pick it up on some scale, the next one may appear.







"Living in decoration"

Decoration affects human sensibilities. There are other things that affect people's sensibilities besides decoration, but I thought that using decoration, which modernism has eliminated, would change the approach to architecture and the process of making it.

However, I think that some modern modernist architecture can be said to be wearing decorations from now on. For example, there are some Aalto-style decorations, and living in the decorations affects sensibility. I thought that some buildings were intended to receive.

If you think about living in a decoration, it's interesting because it also gives you a more constructive view of the decoration.







"Unpredictable process"

I focused on the process, trying to avoid converging on something I saw somewhere by seeking efficiency.

It looks like you've seen it somewhere because the process is formed by only predictable things, and if an unpredictable process is inserted there, unexpected results will be produced and where. It doesn't look like you saw it.

An unpredictable process is the incorporation of contingency, and if the source of the contingency is sought, such as its location or its origin, the resulting result will be more unique.
