




"Process optimization"

We are looking at the process of creating something. In the case of manufacturing, the finished product has value as a deliverable, so the focus is always on the result, but if you want to change the result, nothing will change unless you change the process.

In the same process, even if you change the concept or way of thinking, the result will be in the same category as before. So, if you think about it the other way around, it's better not to change the process when you want to change the result a little more or when you are about to reach the desired result. By looking at the process, rather than trying to design the result directly, designing the process naturally changes the result.

What I often think about these days is not the consistency of the results, but the consistency of the process. I think that it is not always the same process, but always working on the process and optimizing it to the process that produces the desired result.

