





"When consciousness is overweight"

If you look at something and catch it by consciousness in your mind instead of catching it as you see it, there will always be a bias. When you see what is overweight, it means that people receive it differently, and it seems natural that overweight occurs, but it may not be surprising.

When I was walking to a certain place in a hurry, I found a house where wisteria flowers were in full bloom on the way. It's a place I usually go to, but for some reason I didn't notice it until now. The wisteria flowers were beautiful, but it was the house that attracted more attention. It was decayed by wisteria flowers, and the feeling of being damaged was strangely good.

I'm sure many people will be interested in beautiful wisteria flowers, and maybe I've only been interested in wisteria flowers until now. However, because I was in a hurry this time, I was concentrating without spreading my horizons and consciousness. Due to my concentration, I could see only a partial image, not the whole image, and I could only see the contrast between the beautiful wisteria flowers and a part of the decayed house. It seemed like I had done it.

Conscious bias may occur in connection with activity.

