



"How to make a new development"

When dealing with something extreme, something must be excluded. It focuses on the extreme treatments and puts the extreme treatments at the center, so others are excluded, but there may be temporary extreme treatments to know what is excluded.

What is excluded may not be needed at that moment, but it is needed again from a different perspective and focus. So, if you think about the perspective and focus that you need again, that leads to new developments.





"Spilled others"

If you think of architecture as temporary, it also changes the way you distance yourself from architecture. When thinking about architecture, it is often somewhere relative to its existence. Perhaps because of the economic impact of architecture, or because of the size of the scale, I hesitate to make architecture absolute. However, if you think of it as temporary, I feel that architecture can be considered absolute. If you can recall the absolute architecture, the others who spill from it become clear. The spilled others create a new architecture that replaces the absolute architecture.







"Everything is a temporary end"

If everything is considered temporary, the beginning and the end will be meaningless. The idea is meaningless, and the conclusion is meaningless. If that happens, architecture will not be possible. Is everything temporary?

Architecture will disappear someday. If so, it is temporary and has no beginning or end. I always felt uncomfortable that such a thing did not appear in the architectural design. Then, as an answer, should we think of architecture that repeats metabolism such as Metabolism? The Nakagin Capsule Tower is currently being dismantled.

It's okay to capture and realize a temporary figure like a screenshot, and it's okay to repeat it, and because of its size and immobility, I think that secular variation must be incorporated into the design, but there are no cases where wisdom is narrowed down to that part. Close to.








"Burning others"

If you can think of ambivalent meanings, you can focus on hiding as others.

If you simply catch things, something will fall out. The omissions were considered unnecessary in the simplification, but if the simplifications do something wrong, there is an answer in the omissions to solve.

What is missing is another person, and when it is simplified, it is hidden by an implicit understanding and cannot be grasped immediately. Therefore, by assuming an ambivalent state in which simplified things are once again established in extreme situations, it is possible to expose others who have been hidden. At that time, another person may appear different from the one assuming an ambiguous state from the beginning, and it may become a more critical person.

So it may be useful to make some extreme simplifications to find others.






"Autonomy created from relationships"

I thought it could be said that the architecture that induces relationships is autonomous. It is hard to say that the architecture born from the relationship is autonomous because it is influenced by the relationship, but when the relationship is created by the existence of the building, it is the source of the relationship and is the source of the relationship. It is autonomous because it is not affected.

Even architecture created from relationships can be autonomous as long as it is the source of the relationships, and it will not be distorted by the influence of the relationships.






"Architecture distorted by relationships"

It may be necessary to deny the relationship for the object itself to exist autonomously. However, it is hard to imagine that an object would be established by denying the relationship. That's because relationships have always been a hint of creation.

I feel the need to break the relationship and make the object of architecture autonomous. This is because there are times when I think that the way architecture is distorted due to relationships. Architecture becomes too ugly to respect relationships. It's not that respecting relationships is bad in itself, but it shows that it's overkill.






"Affirmation of relationship, denial of existence"

What will happen to the next development of what is divided and arranged separately? Since it was divided into pieces, it may be a reasonable flow to move to integration next time. However, in that case, it does not return to the state of integration before it was divided into pieces, and it does not return.

Also, where may we focus on the story of integration or disparity? Whether it is integrated or disjointed is a matter of object relationships, but in that case it is assumed that they are related. If there is no relationship, it is not a matter of disjointness or integration in the first place, but when talking about relationships, what is worrisome is that relationships are a prerequisite. Since relationships can be based on many sources, we first have a habit of looking at relationships, but it is premised that objects are made up of relationships. In that case, it is the object itself that is being neglected, and it completely denies that the object itself can exist without any relationship.
