




"A coincidence by time"

Being born by chance means not having the whole from the beginning, the generation of the part is first, and when some parts increase, the relationship between the parts is born and the whole becomes visible.

It's not the whole thing at first, but when you try to control it, you'll need something like a guideline. But before that, it may be necessary to control it. There is a question as to whether control will create a coincidence, but is control necessary in the first place when creating something?

Since it is only necessary to make a decision, is it a method that can be decided without control, or is it good if the ambiguous state that accepts not making a decision in the first place is good in the final overall state? If so, can it be said that the final result is the state of taking out the time, disconnecting at a certain time, and the accidental result of that time?

