
何かをデザインする時に効率をどのように扱うかを考える場合がある。効率を別の言い方をすれば無駄を省くことなのでレス イズ モアと考えて、より洗練させていく方向でデザインすることができる。また、逆にレス イズ ボアと考えて、効率をデザイン上で考慮することは避けたいと考えることもできる。この場合は効率と非効率を天秤にかけるのだが、非効率も効率の範疇だとしたら、効率や非効率に対して超効率のような普通の効率とは違う絶対的な効率を考えれば、それは初源のような状態かもしれないし、飽和状態にあり何も省くことができない状態かもしれないが、効率だけで何かを規定してしまう力を持ち、逆に効率以外のことが入り込む余地が生まれると考えてみた。


"Thinking about super efficiency"

Sometimes we think about how to handle efficiency when designing something. In other words, efficiency can be considered as less is more because it eliminates waste, and it can be designed in the direction of further refinement. On the contrary, it is possible to think of it as a less bore and avoid considering efficiency in the design. In this case, efficiency and inefficiency are weighed, but if inefficiency is also a category of efficiency, considering the absolute efficiency that is different from ordinary efficiency such as super efficiency with respect to efficiency and inefficiency, It may be a state like the first source, or it may be in a saturated state and nothing can be omitted, but it has the power to define something only by efficiency, and conversely there is room for things other than efficiency to enter. I thought that would be born.

