






"Do you feel that you can create space?"

If the theme is feeling, it seems that there is still unseen horizon both in the design of tableware and in architecture, but again, it is attracted to functions and conditions.

However, since it perceives the feel as a finishing story, before that, before that, we think that there will be various conditions, functions, and demands for establishment, whether it is tableware or construction, because it thinks step by step So, I've been working on how to make things like that, so it is being imprinted, so if I rearrange the order of thinking, I can not see a different horizon.

Previously, when trying to incorporate the feeling into architecture, he said that he used a method of interpretation. Without touching, in order to make the image feel, it is necessary for the viewer in the head to build a texture of the texture, and at that time imperfections of the view will cause the feeling to be consciously imaged Thought.

However, it seems that feeling does not get out of the area of ​​finishing with this.

Will not the feeling itself create a space and create a function?
