




"Plan called margin"

Instead of creating a margin as a margin, instead of using this as a numerical setting for setting a margin when printing out, you decide not to use it as a margin, but if you notice it, it will become a margin, a beginning margin, etc. So today you don't have to always see the margin, even if it appears or disappears, or if you feel or don't feel it, or if the margin connects something to something.

Architecture must define the scope of space. In that case, it may be a wall, a floor or a ceiling, a site boundary, a ground, and depending on the interpretation, it may be empty, but the scope is definitely determined. So, to create an architectural space as a margin is to decide how to determine the scope and what to do in that case.

However, there is a feeling that the margin seems to be fixed and the range is somehow decided, so how to fill in the difference in recognition in oneself there and what to do, it is in making the plan while thinking about the margin itself I have something wrong.