

クライアントとの打合せの時に感じることがある、その解像度の違いを、ただそれは、 その違いが生業としている人の所以でもあるのだが、そこに違いがあるということがわかっている人と、わかっていない人では、打合せの深度が違ってくる、なかなか深まらずに、浅いところでウロウロしてしまう。






I think that everyone is doing what is right now, thinking what to do now and what to do now by calculating backwards from the results, but at that time it is completely different depending on resolution or how much you can predict It seems.

The difference in resolution that you may feel when meeting with a client is just because you know that there is a difference, but that is also the reason for the person who is doing business. If you don't have it, the depth of the meeting will be different.

I really want to go deeper and deeper, but it takes time to get there.

If you are in the opposite position, you will first convey your requests, questions, and problems, so the blueprint, direction, and overall picture will be clear, so a detailed person should consider how to get there. In the first place, I don't want to ask someone who can do that, but because of my deep knowledge and self-consciousness, it's the cause of the poor resolution, but there are so many catches that I can't help it.

There are cases where hints are hidden there, so doing it well is also within the scope of architecture, but it's useless. If the resolution is rough, you can make it rough. However, if you don't realize it, you're halfway.