






"Designing in Third Person"

I feel like I've been designing for the first person. I listen to the client's requests and sometimes design my personality to experience the space.

Therefore, while listening to the request, there are many cases where space has already been created in the head, so when compiling the plan, trace the completed space in the head, It just needs to be done.

For some reason, some people think that space can be created only by experiencing it, not by thinking with their heads. A good criterion is to compare with the space you have experienced. So it's natural to become a client and to have a simulated experience.

That is, if you try to create a space that can only be created by yourself, you will inevitably want to exceed the space that you have experienced so far. It will be because you cannot proceed unless you judge.

So, in the third person, I wondered what would happen. I immediately thought that it would be objective, and that what I thought and felt in my head would be mixed, and that it might be different from the work I had made so far. I felt the work scaled up and thought it was worth trying.
