




"Ambiguity fixation"

If it is ambiguous, there will be no order. If there is an order and an order occurs, it becomes rigid and cannot be moved. In order to release the rigidity, it is sufficient to cancel the order, but since there is an order in the first place, there is no point in removing the order and making it disorderly, and ambiguity and disorder have different meanings. So I want to have an ambiguous order.

Not over-deciding may be one way to create ambiguity, but in the case of architecture, the final destination is to make detailed decisions, so it is necessary to create ambiguity after deciding.

So why not slow down your decision? As the undecided state continues, the undecided ambiguous state continues. The ambiguous state at this time is set as the final destination, and the ambiguous state is fixed.








"Possibilities of ambiguity"

It's safe because everyone has the ability to unknowingly make decisions, judge from past experience, imagination, or accumulated own things, and instantly judge whether they are harmful or harmless to them. You can walk on the road.

There is no ambiguity in the judgment. Be sure to wear black and white clearly and unconsciously. Immersing yourself in it is the usual way to incite, but anyway, things that cannot be judged instantly are likely to leave an impression.

Ambiguity puts the decision on hold and keeps it in the corner of the head forever. The more you try to separate the ambiguity, the more you stay. In fact, they like to accept ambiguity.

The possibilities of ambiguity are used and will continue to be valid. Because there is no correct answer to ambiguity, and ambiguity is addictive, ambiguity becomes comfortable.







"To make it ambiguous"

I thought that the architecture built on the ambiguous boundary would be ambiguous. Ambiguous boundaries only seem ambiguous at first glance, but if you don't know where the boundaries are, and if the architecture doesn't represent the shape of the boundaries, the boundaries will be unclear and you won't be able to draw lines.

If a building is built in a place where you do not know how far the site is, it becomes more ambiguous if you do not know how far the building is.

Moreover, if the building type can be ambiguous, it becomes even more ambiguous. For that purpose, a certain scale is required.







"Existence of ambiguous architecture"

Is there an expression of "ambiguous architecture"? I feel that people involved in architecture dislike the word "ambiguous". At that time, in the process of that time, architecture is not decided temporarily, but it is common to build up while deciding, and think in a direction that eliminates the ambiguous state as much as possible. Therefore, the attitude of not making a decision or putting it on hold as much as possible has the potential to make us aware of new things and give us a new perspective.

However, when it comes to "ambiguous architecture," the final resulting architecture is ambiguous. It is ambiguous after the decision was made. It's not "weak" and it's not like architecture with nothing. It is an architecture that has a state of "ambiguity", and hopefully the word "ambiguity" gives a good meaning and a good impression.

Perhaps "ambiguous architecture" may not appear if you think of it as a single building. It may be possible for the existence of an architecture to be ambiguous in a good sense only when the environment surrounding the architecture is considered, but that is only one possibility.







"Ambiguous boundaries are created"

Buildings will appear on the land to be constructed before they are constructed, and then roads will be created. Normally, the road comes first and the order is reversed. Roads are a great clue in designing, as architecture is built on relationships with roads. Of course, the road boundaries are clear, but in reality there are no roads, just grassy lands.

The order is reversed. I wondered what would happen if I built an architecture wherever I wanted and thought about the architecture regardless of the position of the road so that the road could be created accordingly.

For now, visible grassy lands are more realistic than invisible boundaries. It's an absolute border, but it's just invisible and ambiguous. Just blurring the boundaries creates another perspective.








"Changes in urban landscape"

Naturally, there is a hierarchy in the landscape that changes due to the elevated railways. The elevated road will be given priority, and a replacement road will be created beside the elevated road, and the rest will be used as land for evacuated residents.

The order in which the land is maintained also follows the order. Therefore, this order will determine the fundamental landscape, and a cityscape with superior transportation will be created.

This is the rule for forming the cityscape, but there is a time lag until maintenance due to the difference in the project period.

By using this time difference and changing the order of land development, we are planning to change the urban landscape, which is superior in terms of transportation, as much as possible.







"Things with different lifespans"

The landscape will continue to change until the architecture in the field is buried in the city, so it may be normal to imagine after the landscape has settled and focus on that.

However, the fields until the landscape is settled look attractive. I want to design the architecture so that weeds fit in without meaning.

If you think about why, weedy fields are temporary because they are not allowed to exist in the city, while architecture is considered to be at least permanent, so they have different lives. I would like to try how to connect them.
