




"Value to reveal"

If you make the covered object transparent, the hidden object will be revealed. However, although the exposed object is transparent, it is covered with something, so it is different from what you see directly. I am wondering if I can find new value there.

Early iMac-like skeletons found value in revealing what had become complex and black-boxed.

Instead, I'm wondering if there is something that is still covered, not the thing itself, that has been revealed, and that it is worth seeing through the covered thing. ..







"Ambiguous form"

I'm thinking of making a connection by improving the accuracy. If the accuracy of what was vague until then is improved, a connection will be created with nature.

Set the format to make a connection. It is an attempt to improve the accuracy of the format. If you want to improve the accuracy of the format, one way is to make strict and detailed decisions on the system and rules, but instead, making it clear that ambiguous things are ambiguous will also improve the accuracy and connect. Can be made.

In other words, it is a form that can remain ambiguous, and for that reason, a connection is created to make up for the lacking part that is created because of the ambiguity.







"Connected format"

In order to create a space that creates an unpredictable atmosphere like "getting together", I thought that the underlying format might be necessary.

However, I sometimes see places and spaces where people gather spontaneously, but in that case, it seems that it has happened, and there is no form in the first place. For example, chaos thinks that there is a form of chaos, so it is necessary to have a form in a space that creates an unpredictable atmosphere such as "gathering".

However, the form in that case may not be an architectural form, but a form that connects people, for example, a form with only words.







"Adding unpredictable elements"

I think that it is ideal to have gathered even though it is not necessary to gather. It seems that not only the voluntary will but also the influence of something is working and the activity cannot be controlled by oneself.

I want to make it a form of "getting together" instead of "getting together". Architectural planning is good at forming "gathering" because it can be predicted, but it adds an unpredictable element to forming "gathering", so it is an element of architectural planning plus alpha. Will be needed.

It is interesting to think about the plus alpha, and the plus alpha part is in the category of design.







"How to make the most of the location of movement"

Moving means being separated from the location of the land, and the uniqueness of the place becomes meaningless, and from the perspective of the moving side, it is only a confirmation of where the unique location is now. Become a thing.

On the contrary, it is better not to move if you take advantage of the unique location, and it is also possible because the architecture cannot move.

I'm wondering if it's possible to take advantage of the unique location while moving, as a thing. I'm sure that thing is not an extension of everyday life, but something that does not mix with the unique placeness that appears in everyday life, so I thought that it would eventually make use of the unique placeness. ..








The biggest impact of the new Corona is that contact with people is restricted, but what I found out is that even if contact is restricted, people can live a certain degree of social life, and people still seek contact. Is.

When I express that people want contact, I feel that the state of "gathering" rather than "gathering" has already happened, and that it also suits the state of creating unplanned nuances.

It's been about two years since I was at the mercy of the unplanned situation caused by the new Corona, but I feel that the "gathered" state has created a new area in the core of human psychology and behavior. do.





"How far do you perceive?"

I've always been thinking about how far people can perceive. The feeling that can be reached with ordinary words has already been used up. Even so, continuing to use the usual words narrows the range that the person who uses them tries to perceive. It may not be possible to put it into words, but at least if you can't imagine what you can perceive, you can't make a new one because it's the same as putting it into words. Think about how much you perceive and whether the words are used up in the New Year.
