


"Relationship and individual outside"

I thought that the relationship was a very common apartment house that was secondary and existed individually. Is it a share house that exists individually is secondary and has a relationship first? Focusing on relationships rather than being individual is a hint when creating something, with or without shape, but is there anything outside of relationships and individual beings? Is the current concern.





"Combination of efficiency and things that cannot be quantified"

Aiming for efficiency is also to efficiently eliminate excess, and the criterion for exclusion is whether or not it can be controlled, and what cannot be controlled is placed outside of efficiency. The index for measuring efficiency is a numerical value, and what cannot be controlled cannot be quantified. So what happens when you combine something that is efficient and something that cannot be quantified? If you think about it normally, you will think that it will be inefficient. So, if you can't quantify it, try to quantify it thoroughly or try to eliminate it. However, it is interesting to think about what kind of case it would be if the combination of efficient and non-quantifiable ones would not be inefficient but would be more efficient.





"Think about what is excluded"

I thought about what are the various relationships that are excluded by efficiency in building planning. Or what induces the diverse relationships that are excluded? For example, an apartment house is one of the most pursuing efficiency in architectural planning, and efficiency makes a series of identical plans. In the first place, the purpose of making an apartment house is to concentrate and increase the density by efficiency, so the goal is to be the same, but I am concerned about what is excluded by it. What are the various relationships or triggers in an apartment building? Probably not inside the dwelling unit. If there is, it may be outside the dwelling unit, but I would like to consider whether there is anything other than the relationship between the dwelling units and the surrounding environment outside the dwelling unit.





"From efficiency to diverse relationships"

Efficient planning and placement in architectural planning is the least wasteful and immovable for a given indicator, but it also eliminates diversity in terms of relationships. If you seek efficiency, you cannot build diverse relationships. If efficiency can be thought of as a means to achieve some purpose, then it would be good if various relationships could be used as a means to achieve the same purpose. The subject is the diverse relationships that have been excluded. Since we are pursuing efficiency only once, the diverse relationships that have been excluded can be extremed to balance efficiency, and new diverse relationships that do not conflict with efficiency can be built.





"Eliminating efficiency"

I thought about what would be excluded by efficient planning and placement in the building plan. Efficient planning and placement is one of the important goals of a building plan, and it may not be a complaint to complete the building plan by itself. However, if something is excluded in exchange and the exclusion is more important, efficient planning and placement loses its raison d'etre.





"Sliding the tense of relationships"

The tense when dealing with relationships will match the present moment, or at least the past or the future. If the tense is off, an extra element of time is added to measure the relationship. Since time changes the state and naturally affects the relationship, it is necessary to correct the relationship with time. Therefore, shifting the tense makes it impossible to measure the correct relationship. However, when the relationship is exposed to the design, the element of time can be incorporated into the design by shifting the tense, and depending on how it is incorporated, a difference in design can be made.





"Focus on the past"

If you think that architecture is cut out at a certain point in the time that flows from the past to the future, the question is where to focus and cut out. You don't necessarily have to focus on the present, it can be in the future or in the past. Focusing on the future is common, but focusing on the past may not be very common. Considering the flow of time, it is natural to focus on the future because it always goes to the future, and focusing on the past goes against the flow of time, so it feels strange. However, if we think of the present as an accumulation of the past, I feel that we can focus on the past and create architecture that faces the future.
