





"Past plan stamp"

When trying to express memory with something other than words, we use dimensions that express numerical values ​​in architecture. It can be said that, unlike words, only numerical values ​​can express memories without change depending on the interpretation. So are the dimensions always the same? That is never the case. It just happened to happen at that place. Therefore, if you go to another place, it is natural, but the dimensions will change as much as you like. Then, if the dimension has the uniqueness of the place and is expressed as a memory, it would be an inevitable act as an architecture to inherit the dimension as the memory.

For example, if you have a plan in the past and find a unique dimension in it, why not pattern it and repeat the transfer like a stamp to create a new plan or a new elevation? The unique dimensions will be different again, depending on the item that embodies the efficiency of a stamp.

If something that is excluded when considering the efficiency of memory, that is, something that has otherness, is patterned and transcribed as a stamp, it will be more useful, then various things can be seen beyond the efficiency.

I found it interesting that the numerical values ​​are used for efficiency, but they express the memories excluded by efficiency.





"Dimensions are expressions other than words"

There is a memory that cannot be expressed in words. No matter how much words I use, I can't express everything in the memory of architecture. Memories that can be expressed as motifs as things can also be expressed in words. Therefore, it may not be necessary to express it as an architecture, and it is intentionally awkward when it is expressed. Meillasso came up with the idea that when trying to express memory with something other than words, it might be better to use numerical values. Numerical values ​​are an absolute measure of architecture. It is no exaggeration to say that architecture can only be expressed numerically. In architecture, the simple representation of a number is a dimension, which is made up of plans, sections, elevations, and details. Furthermore, the dimensions also express the relationship between the inside and outside of the building.





"Making a ruler from the past"

The words life and emotion have nothing to do with architecture. That may make you feel strange. Living is carried out by architecture, and stimulating the taste and sensibility of architecture leads to emotions. However, architecture itself is a thing, and life and emotions are subordinate to things, and it is something that can only be demonstrated when there are people. Therefore, architecture as a thing can be established without things, and some people cannot talk about architecture if they are asked for their living and emotions first. Since life and emotions are retrofitted as things, architecture itself can be established as a thing, only with things. If you look at the architectural plan only as a thing, it is just the pattern of the wall, and the difference in the position of the wall is the difference in the activity depending on the function there. Therefore, whether the position of the wall is dense or sparse also means the difference in activity depending on the function, and the appearance of the wall in the space affects the human vision and is likely to remain as a memory. However, if it remains as a memory, things, that is, living and emotions, are attached to the wall. It can be said that the wall and the life and emotions are related to each other, and it can be thought that the appearance of the wall is reminiscent of the life and emotions. Therefore, if you extract the appearance of the wall peculiar to the architecture from the past plan, find a pattern if possible, and use that pattern as a ruler to think of a new plan, you can create something that connects your life and emotions as a memory. I'm thinking about it.





"Emotions that connect the city and life"

Memory is outside of architecture, and architecture is derived from memory. And the plan is inside the architecture, and the architecture is completed from the plan. Also, the source of memory is the appearance derived from the plan. Memories, plans, and architecture have a relationship that mixes internally and externally. The past plan is the memory itself, and the appearance derived from the past plan and the emotion of life that accompanies it become the contents of the memory. Anyone can feel nostalgia for the emotion of living through the way they see it, but since it is a personal matter, others may not understand it. However, such exclusion makes the emotions of personal life alien, and when it is embodied as architecture, it excludes emotions, perhaps it is efficiency, efficiency or inefficiency. The emotion of personal life can be used as a deconstruction, and it also becomes an opportunity to build a relationship with the city. Therefore, we will extract things that lead to the emotions of personal life from past plans and utilize them in new architecture.





"Density of activity"

The past plan on the site is an important material for forming the memory and the connection of time with the past, and the connection that can be made by utilizing it in the new architecture becomes the color of the city. Past plans show activity. If there are several past plans, you can see the density of activities by stacking them. Space can be designed by increasing or decreasing the density.





"Plan is a material of memory"

There are many things that remain in memory, but one of the things that architecture can help in connecting memory to images is something that is visually derived, such as how parts such as walls, ceilings, and floors look. right. It may be said that the appearance of the part evokes memory. It can be said that the architecture that inherits the appearance of such parts has a memory and a connection with the past. So what is the basis for determining how the parts look? It is the plan that controls the appearance of all parts with just one thing. The plan controls the appearance, which also controls the memory. Therefore, the plan of the past is an important material for forming the memory and the connection of time with the past.





"City color"

A completely new building can be created by rebuilding. It is to be reset once. However, there was an architecture there before it was rebuilt. The architecture that was there wasn't just there, it was the best solution when it was born there. I'm sure that the optimal solution as an architecture may still be effective just because the useful life of the architecture itself has been exceeded over time. If so, it is inevitable that the effective part will be taken over and utilized now, and if we take it further and think from an urban perspective, it will be more time-consuming for the city if the connection from the past remains rather than the disconnection due to rebuilding. I thought that the memory of the passage of time would be the color of the city.
