


"Emotions that connect the city and life"

Memory is outside of architecture, and architecture is derived from memory. And the plan is inside the architecture, and the architecture is completed from the plan. Also, the source of memory is the appearance derived from the plan. Memories, plans, and architecture have a relationship that mixes internally and externally. The past plan is the memory itself, and the appearance derived from the past plan and the emotion of life that accompanies it become the contents of the memory. Anyone can feel nostalgia for the emotion of living through the way they see it, but since it is a personal matter, others may not understand it. However, such exclusion makes the emotions of personal life alien, and when it is embodied as architecture, it excludes emotions, perhaps it is efficiency, efficiency or inefficiency. The emotion of personal life can be used as a deconstruction, and it also becomes an opportunity to build a relationship with the city. Therefore, we will extract things that lead to the emotions of personal life from past plans and utilize them in new architecture.
