


"Private space in the back"

In many cases, when there is a large site in a residential area, it is divided, but if you try to build a single building without dividing it, there will always be a back part. The back part is the farthest part from the road. Generally speaking, in the case of architecture, from the road side to the back, the public space changes to the private space. Therefore, if you want to create a private space, it will be recognized as a private space just because it is in the back, so there is no need to do anything in terms of architecture. This is based on human recognition, but in the case of a large site, it shows that the architectural layout plan is that much more important.






"Composing shapes to create landscapes"

Miscellaneous elements overflow in everyday life. If we think of a house as a container for it, we must either make the miscellaneous elements physically invisible, make the visible elements invisible, or transform the miscellaneous elements into something beautiful. . To put it simply, to make it invisible, we need more storage, to make it invisible, we cover miscellaneous elements with something stronger and stronger, for example, cover it with a large roof or high ceiling, and transform it into something beautiful. To do so, it is necessary to make miscellaneous elements the leading role and make them a part of the interior scenery or an element that composes the interior scenery.

Of these, I am interested in transforming them into something beautiful, and making the miscellaneous elements the main characters can also be used for the landscape, which is how it looks on the outside. When using miscellaneous elements as a constituent element of a landscape, it is better to take out common items among the miscellaneous elements and compose them, and I think that the common element is the shape.





"There's just space"

When you try to design a courthouse with a courtyard, you naturally give the courtyard some meaning. It's just a space without any particular meaning, no one can use it, you can just look at it and treat it like a blank area, but you try to use every corner of the space without waste. It may be an act that makes us unaware of the possibilities of space. Just because there is space, isn't it part of life to think about how to use it? I would like to be a client who thinks that it will be an opportunity to think about what life is for him and that it will also expand the possibilities of his life.





"I don't expect a happy life"

I thought that a new architectural value would be created by not assuming an enjoyable life in advance when creating an architectural space. When you actually see and hear all kinds of architectural spaces, the space and the enjoyment of using that space are connected linearly, and it becomes the framework of the whole architecture. This framework of architecture as a whole makes the architecture familiar. This is the so-called déjà vu. A sense of déjà vu may provide a sense of security, but it does not create new architectural value.





"use wood"

Talk about the outside space. There are continuous horizontal walls, which may be wooden or reinforced concrete, with trees between them, or walls between trees. There is no relationship there, just the continuity of the walls and the scattering of trees. I didn't want to attach any meaning to it from the beginning, so I used a tree that changes irregularly. Residents' activities will also be added to this, and it will be different from the initial speculation. A space created by a relationship that can be controlled does not create unexpected surprises. The walls also appear in pairs in the room. By connecting the outside to the inside instead of the inside to the outside, there is a possibility that unexpected things will be born using wood in the living space. It means that trees are deeply involved in the existence of architecture.





"Horizontal Layered"

The outside reaches the interior continuously, and conversely, the interior reaches the exterior continuously. If you try to mix the relationship between the outside and the inside instead of separating them, you will probably think of layering them continuously. When we think of layers, we imagine stacking layers vertically, but they can also be applied horizontally. If it is vertical, the floor is the layer, but if it is horizontal, the layer is the wall. It seems that the walls are arranged continuously. Horizontal layering makes it possible to seamlessly and discontinuously connect people from private spaces to public spaces. In addition, it is possible to incorporate various functions into the wall, and in consideration of ecology and the environment, it is possible to separate the outside and the interior, while ensuring the continuity between the exterior and the interior while considering ecology and the environment. can be done.





"Criticality of Exterior"

I pull out only the exterior and think about it. Exteriors exist as a single layer between the external environment and the internal space, giving the impression of covering a building with a single sheet of cloth. The cloth changes from time to time. It's like clothes that change according to TPO. Think about what kind of clothes to wear this time. Sometimes the clothes are decorative and stand out, sometimes they try to blend in with their surroundings, and sometimes they try to blend in and look different. In any case, the criterion for judging is where the relative standing position in the place is, and the existence of the exterior is critical of the surroundings, aiming to satisfy the client's desire to own. , and by extension I think it takes on a critique of ordinary housing.
