




"Most digitization"

If you decide the size and number of units in one business plan and meet it, you will try to design freely and start planning of multi-family housing, but you will want the maximum number of homes if you can, so there is no freedom Come.

So, without entering the business plan, from the direction of design, the concept, and the idea of ​​architecture, I just want to increase the degree of freedom, or just maximize the design space, but if I estimate it, the budget It doubles or triples, and it interferes with budget planning.

If you are sketching while thinking about what you're doing now, you will lose the lines because the stray lines will become useless lines, but of course it will disappear when you touch the lines if it is an iPad, it will be useful, it will be handwritten I need a brush in front of the pile of rubber waste, but I can get lost as much as I can.
