







"I do not know what I do not understand"

When I write out and write down "I know" and "I don't know", I hardly see "I don't understand." If you change "understood" to "understood" or "ununderstood" to "ununderstood", you do not understand something the same as "ununderstood".

The story of the project currently being planned that has returned to the starting point.

I'm going back to the idea's memory, looking back at the information I've collected, reading it back and making notes in my own words, but I'm "I don't know." The fact that it hardly comes out means, from another point of view, that the project being planned is hardly new, so it is merely combining existing ideas.

So for the project you are planning, you think that something is not right, something is different, something is missing.

What can you do to clearly and consciously understand what you do not understand, or do you have to read in a little more collected information?

You know what you don't know, and solving it adds newness to the project you're planning, and that's where you want to see.
