




"Information gathering"

I think that something is interesting, I think it is interesting, what kind of thing it is, if I try to express it architecturally, I think what will happen, collect information that seems to be related, import that information, and organize it, Anxious things and related things are making notes.

Memos have accumulated a little, so if you read it back, it's just for the purpose of organizing information and not looking for answers, so when you take notes you don't care about consistency or integrity etc. However, similar, similar keywords are displayed.

Information collection is only performed with a hint that it is likely to be related, so if you read the collected information, there are some out-of-targets, and conversely, information that seems completely unrelated I feel that it seems that there is something to do with it, and then I gather information based on what I want to know, but in the first place what I really want to know Something interesting, like a little different.
