







"Margins of choice"

I think it's worthwhile to be able to make choices, it's more fun.

There is an antique shop on the way to the restaurant that I visited twice in the past couple of months, and when I look around my eyes go to the silver spoon. I love cutlery, find something that I like like spoons, hawks, knives, etc., I just buy, buy butter knives, even if it's not a set, even if it's loose, open drawers, cutlery only, it's fun just looking However, every time you eat something, it's fun to choose which to use, and coffee cups every morning.

It's not a big spoon, but I like it and my beauty goes into it, and every day, even if it feels like that, what suits the vessel at that time, what suits the cuisine at that time, I think it's very important to choose life, I feel like I take care of being alive now, I change every day, I change myself every day, it may grow, I am old It might be, but it would be better to have a choice to follow along.

There are a lot of options, a lot of prepared states, after all there is no decision, everything is fluid, it is a state that can be done, and if you decide on one thing, the other options will not be necessary. It can be said that there is a room where the waste and the waste can be tolerated, and a margin.

So it is natural to think that there is value in the margin, the possibility of the margin, and how you can create the margin.

The same is true for architecture, and the well-defined space of the architect's aesthetics is wonderful, and although there is architectural value there, a fluid part like the mood of the side using that space Undertaking margins is equally valuable, and I think that it is a category of design, and now I'm interested in what happens when the margins are full.
