







"You don't have to know"

Finding what you want to know is really easy and you can get it right on your smartphone. That's why there are many people who know that it is natural to know, that it is natural to know, or that it is embarrassing if they do not know.

Regardless of whether the information you get on your smartphone is really worth it or not, whether it's knowledge, for example, it's harder to forget your smartphone than to forget your wallet. It has become natural to have.

So, conversely, the information that can be checked with a smartphone can be understood as soon as necessary when you need it, so if you do not need to know the information that you can check with a smartphone .

You should be able to do a lot of things on your smartphone, and then you don't have to know a lot.

It can be thought that there is now an environment that you can't understand on your smartphone, and that you can concentrate on your daily life with only knowledge that is very important to you. There is now an environment where you can concentrate only on what you like, important and important to you as you wouldn't have thought before in the days when there was no smartphone or internet.

People who still find value in what they know may be those who are not interested in the content of the information and just like collecting catalogs and looking at them from a distance. That's fun, but I think it would be richer to try to touch information that isn't available on a smartphone.