






"Balance adjustment"

The space when eating is private or public, the act of eating seems like a very private thing, if you think carefully, it is defenseless when you eat and it is quite common for people to see it It may be embarrassing.

Well, I don't really like it because I don't really like watching people eating and eating up close.

If you eat alone, at home, in a shop, in private time, the place becomes a private space cut out from the surroundings, but if you are with someone, whether you are private or public depending on who you are with Divided.

If so, you only have to choose the time and shop from time to time, but what to do in a house where you can't change the place, you might change the setting depending on the person you eat together.

Changing settings, the worst thing for architecture, because architecture doesn't change and can't respond to change. Originally, it should be adjustable, but the balance is private or public.