







"Architecture and Free Cup"

If you think about the design of the architecture and the design of the free cup at the same time, you will notice a difference.

The free cup fits in your hand, you can see the completeness of the design instantly, you can move it freely in your hand, and it's easy to move, so you can easily switch to another free cup And you have the freedom to choose naturally.

Right now, if you are making a free cup of Wajima Lacquer, changing the thickness of the mouth and changing the position of the mouth according to the mood of the day, the appearance of the shape of the free cup will change accordingly. I am thinking that my mood will eventually and directly determine how the free cup should be.

But architecture doesn't. Since there is a void in the building and it gets into it, you cannot see the completeness of the design instantly. The larger the building, the more impossible it is. And this is the biggest difference, but architecture cannot move, it does not move.

So, depending on the mood, nothing will change as it is, you can make the illusion that it has changed, but something changes according to the mood, the appearance changes, and the way of architecture changes I want to.

I think that the relationship between architecture and people can be established only when it is possible, and that architecture can only exist in relationships with people.