







"Mood in the routine"

In everyday life everybody will have some sort of routine. For example, you call a morning routine and take a fixed action in a certain arrangement from waking up to starting work.

You may do the same thing every day, but you will feel different every day.

Perhaps some of your routines include something that adapts to different moods every day. For example, the cup of coffee you drink every morning changes every day depending on your mood.

In building the architecture, the flow lines and installations are secured in forming the routine. So, if we can respond to the mood that architecture changes every day, and if we can make something change in the repetitive daily routine of the same routine, that is the moment when people and architecture will be linearly connected. I think.

Specifically, something in the architecture changes depending on the mood of the person, and if the person chooses something according to the mood, something in the architecture changes in response to it. It is visible.

I'm trying and trying to find something on the wall now.