







"Flow line curse"

In architecture, "traffic flow" is a general term that allows the client to use the word "housework flow line". It literally captures human movement as a line and is used as a material for various comparative studies. However, when using the term "flow line", good efficiency of human movement is required.

When trying to store various setups in an architectural space, the size of the entire building is limited, so the efficiency of how to store the setup is important. Therefore, the word "housework flow line" can be used as a basis for making the installations as compact and efficient as possible.

Therefore, the designers should also be efficient and compact, and use it as explanatory material to clients.

This is related to human movement, but there is a tendency for efficiency to be emphasized in the planning of architecture, as symbolized by this "flow line". Is strong.

Of course, better may be better than inefficient, but if architecture is in the shape of human activity, it will apply efficiency to human activity, and there is something unreasonable. As a result, I feel like distorting people's activities to fit them well, and when thinking about `` flow lines '', I can not always escape from the efficiency's curse, and there is a risk of hindering free thinking is there.

So, I always think about what is better than existing efficiency, so that I can be freed from the curse, and that's also the emergence of the design.