







"Free search for activities"

One of the architectural features is that human activities occur inside. Conversely, if there is no human activity inside, it cannot be called architecture.

Human activities can occur freely in various directions, but the direction depends on the architecture. Therefore, it can be said that human activities are subject to architectural design, but this is inconvenient.

Naturally, architecture is not determined solely by human activity. There are still many other factors, such as architectural structures, regulations, budgets, etc., but it's no exaggeration to say that most of them only limit human activities.

In architecture, what is directly connected to daily life is human activity, and limiting it means limiting daily life.

Therefore, there is a variety of approaches to human activities that are always treated as an object of architectural design at any time, such as how to make arrangements, forcibly attract, or ignore others.

Either way, I always think that I'm sketching to escape this inconvenience, and I spend most of my time looking for a way to freedom.
