








"What Architecture Can Do Everyday"

There is an irregularly closed box. Boxes are called spaces because people can enter them.

The reason for the irregularity is that the wall thickness is not constant. Then, why the thickness of the wall is not constant, because the installation is installed in the wall, the installation is necessary for everyday people's work, it is for everything, the standard is necessary on a daily basis Whatever it is, it doesn't matter what type of installation it is.

It is there that the idea and the structure are united. What that means is that the thickness of the wall shows the difference in the daily activities of people, that is, the idea that people think in their minds, so without having to check what is being built into the wall thickness each time Approaching, it is no longer like a scene reflection, it is a mechanism in this space itself, it is a structure for this space to be established, exactly it is everyday in this space What happens only to people.

And the appearance of the space differs depending on the place where people are located only in the irregular box, which happens every time human activities are performed in daily life.

Therefore, if these spaces are connected and overlap to form an architecture, the appearance of that architecture will change depending on the daily activities of people.

By the way, what is governed by the daily activities of human beings, whether it is reason or emotion, it is not one of them, but whichever is better, whichever is better, but either won in this space The one who controls the appearance of architecture.

In any case, the appearance of architecture is determined by the activities of everyday people. Hopefully, emotions, and if the appearance changes depending on the mood, it feels more moist in everyday life.
