





"Only wall thickness"

You will not be aware of the thickness of the wall in your everyday life. In the first place, there is no need to be aware of the thickness of the wall, nor is it aware of the thickness of the wall.

I think that the difference in wall thickness makes a difference when recognizing a space. So I thought about the rising that seems to be partitioned by the wall thickness.

If the rising wall where this thickness can be seen as it is is very thin, you will recognize that the space is light and thin, and conversely, if it is a very thick rising wall, the space is heavy, rough and dense. You may recognize it as something.

This means that it is possible to operate the space recognition only by the wall thickness, and the wall thickness has the same value as that for recognizing the space, such as finish or planar shape. It is also possible to fully establish the space with just the design.
