





"Continuously changing thickness"

I have never seen a wall whose thickness changes continuously, probably because there is no need for it. A certain thickness is required for the wall as a structural body and the wall as environmental performance. This is because the calculation cannot be easily established if the thickness changes. Therefore, if the thickness is changed, it becomes an additive as a design factor.

It is disliked when it comes to additions. Additions are not allowed in modernist ethics. It is precious that it is simple and there are no extra items. It became post-modern, the additive was used as irony, and after the post-modern, only the modeling of the additive became feasible as a structure itself due to the development of technology, but in general, the ethics of modernism is still common. Is left.

Therefore, it is sufficient to handle the change in wall thickness as the structure itself, not as an additive, but that is not common, and it is required to be simple and free of excess, so a certain thickness Only walls.

We think that the wall thickness is related to the space separation and connection, and rather than the wall thickness changes occurring discontinuously in some places, the wall thickness changes continuously and the connection and separation between It would be more complicated and interesting as a space to realize a state in which it is difficult to understand whether there is a gap or a connection.
