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That was the case for me to trust the painter's owner, Park Hui woodland craftworker. To maximize degrees of freedom, to minimize the restraint part, to be careful when I trust someone is this, if my request is satisfied, All ways are opponent, I just adjust it.

Because I think that it is my job to create an environment where people can best demonstrate their skills because I am going to trust that person's technology.

However, this may be the same as thinking the most stringent condition depending on thinking. Because, as well as the way, money and time all hope for you only, make full use of the technology you have and make perfect things, excuses you can not, he says it will not forgive you It seems to be said that it implies things. The more it becomes a first-class craftsman, the better it is, the higher craftworker of technology is such a thing, it is natural that no one feels that it is spiritual pressure.

Therefore, after consenting to this, we confirmed only the essential point and we had a meeting with Park Hwa craftmen in 10 minutes, and we left Park Hokkaido without saying anything extra.

Looking backwards, I also honestly wanted to tell a bit more. Although I handed it as a picture as a sketch, I'm relieved here if you supplement it with words, where you want the intention to succeed, whether it is between lines or nuance.

However, although I always think so, I do not absolutely do not confirm, tell, or instruct something because I want to be relieved with the relationship I trust to leave. It is a person who trusts that he is an intelligent person, so do not extra handouts beyond what I leave. Even if it temporarily fails, I will not act to put out my concern. If you do act there, trust and leave the relationship that you trust. However, there are times when it is necessary to communicate, to tell, to confirm, because this judgment is a difficult place, there may be times when it does not make it well for it, so at that time I will assume the responsibility, so Prepare minimum necessary for it to be good. If you do not go through this, you will never meet a trustworthy person forever.

By the way, there may be some people called risk hedging as a minimum preparation, but that is not the case. Risk hedging is a prerequisite that something will happen on the premise that there is a risk, but I do nothing but a noisy thing in the first place. If there are people trusted, there are no risks from the beginning even if you challenge. Therefore, he risks hesitating and calls for risk and becomes trouble. The more you risk hedge, the higher the probability of failure.

It was two months after the painter's husband arrived the Wajima-covered free cup wooden land. While touching the woods, I was thinking about how to paint while watching.